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According the task of Absheron Region Executive and the department of education , the meeting about the 4 th Islamic Games

Tarix:25-04-2017, 15:27

According the task of Absheron Region Executive and the department of education , the meeting about the 4 th Islamic Games

For the first time these games were held in Saudi Arabia and the Organization of the Islamic Conference 57 uzvusu participate in the race. The member states are allowed to take part in non-Muslim vətəndaslarınada games.
According the task of Absheron Region Executive and the department of education , the meeting about the 4 th Islamic Games

Second Islamic Solidarity Games planned to held in Iran in October 2009, but then updated in April 2010, but the Persian Gulf (Arab) associated with the name was canceled due to a disagreement between Iran and Arab countries. Between Iran and the Gulf Arab states are always contradictions have led to disputes relating to the name issue, because some Arab countries, "the Persian Gulf" is known as the Arabian Gulf. The 3 rd Islamic Games were held in 2013 in Indonesia. Races will be held for the fourth time in Azerbaijan 12-22 may 2017.
According the task of Absheron Region Executive and the department of education , the meeting about the 4 th Islamic Games

According the task of Absheron Region Executive and the department of education , the meeting about the 4th Islamic Solidarity Games is organized at the secondary school number 6 of Khirdalan city.The teachers and the students of the school number 6, representative of Executive, Anar Nagiyev, the representatives of the department of education Sakina Abbasova, Yaydagul Rahimova, Nurana Valiyeva and Aysel Tahirova attend at the meeting.
According the task of Absheron Region Executive and the department of education , the meeting about the 4 th Islamic Games
According the task of Absheron Region Executive and the department of education , the meeting about the 4 th Islamic Games
According the task of Absheron Region Executive and the department of education , the meeting about the 4 th Islamic Games
According the task of Absheron Region Executive and the department of education , the meeting about the 4 th Islamic Games
According the task of Absheron Region Executive and the department of education , the meeting about the 4 th Islamic Games
According the task of Absheron Region Executive and the department of education , the meeting about the 4 th Islamic Games

The director of the school number 6, Lamiye Hesenzadeh expressed her opinions about Islamic Solidarity Games.
The meeting began with the anthem of Azerbaijan Republic. After that, video-slide about the Islamic Solidarity Games was demonstrated. The meeting was continued with the demonstration of students on the different games of Islamic countries.
According the task of Absheron Region Executive and the department of education , the meeting about the 4 th Islamic Games

According the task of Absheron Region Executive and the department of education , the meeting about the 4 th Islamic Games

The English teachers (tAykan Mammedzadeh, Sadakat Mahmudova, Leyla Ismayilova, Benovshe Karagozova, Esmira Khidirova, Gulnar Rahimova and Gulnar Ahadova) and deputy organizer (Emma Azimova) organized the meeting. At the end of the meeting Sakina Abbasova- methodist of Absheron Educational Department informed guests and attenders about Islamis Solidarity Games and call everybody to be together in everything and in everywhere.
According the task of Absheron Region Executive and the department of education , the meeting about the 4 th Islamic Games

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